This study has concluded and is no longer open for recruitment.
If you are the mother of a 6-12 year old anxious child, you may be interested in a study being conducted by researchers at UCLA. The purpose of this study is to determine whether anxious children and their mothers can benefit from a Cognitive-Behavioral Skills-Based Program delivered over the Internet.
If you and your child are eligible for this free study, you would be randomly assigned to one of two 12-week conditions: the Internet Program condition or the Waitlist condition. People placed in the waitlist condition will be given access to the internet program at the end of the study. You would also be asked to answer questions online and over the telephone. You do NOT need to come into the research lab. People from across the United States are welcome to join this study.
Eligibility Criteria
The following is a list of some of the eligibility criteria for this study. It is not exhaustive. In order to determine if you and your child are eligible to participate in this study, please call (310) 206-1128 and speak to the study�s principal investigator, Melody Keller.
- Your child must be between the ages of 6 � 12 y/o.
- In order to be in this study, you (the mother) and your child must speak English fluently.
- You (the mother) and your child must be able to read in English.
- Your child cannot be in this study if he or she has ever been diagnosed with Mental Retardation, Autism, Asperger�s Disorder, or Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD).
- If you (the mother) and/or your child are on medication, the dose(s) must be stable.
- You (the mother) and your child cannot be in this study if either of you is currently receiving Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for any mental health problem.
- You (the mother) cannot be taking parenting classes or receiving therapy aimed at addressing parenting skills.
Study Personnel Contact
For further information about this project, contact Melody Keller at (310) 206-1128.
Principal Investigator: Melody Keller, M.A., C.Phil.