This study has concluded and is no longer open for recruitment.
The UCLA Study of Positive and Negative Emotions is designed to examine connection between psychiatric disorders and their underlying neurobiology. The diagnostic system that is currently used for mental disorders is based on verbal report, observable behavior, and clinical phenomena. A recent initiative from the National Institute of Mental Health (the Research Domain Criteria – RDoc) proposes that investigation of neurobiology of psychiatric disorders has the potential to improve our understanding of these conditions. In line with this initiative, we are integrating measures of self-report, behavior, physiology and brain activity to study positive and negative emotions with the aim of better understanding anxiety and depression.
Eligibility Criteria
We are looking for individuals between 18 and 55 years old, fluent in English, not currently taking psychiatric medication (aside from antidepressants), and who have access to a telephone.
Training Procedures
Eligible individuals will be asked to complete an interview about recent symptoms of anxiety and depression, computer tasks, questionnaires, a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scan of your brain, and a blood sample. The study will consist of approximately three visits to UCLA for a total of up to 8 hours.
Participants have the opportunity to earn up to $250 for study completion, with a chance of receiving an additional $125. Individuals will be compensated for all parking costs.
Study Personnel Contact
For further information about this project, contact Richard Kim at 310-825-9312 or
Principal Investigator: Michelle G. Craske, Ph.D.
Protocol ID:IRB#13-001350 UCLA IRB Approved Approval Date: 6/21/2016 Through: 6/20/2017 Committee: Medical IRB 3